
Blog - pizza making tips

7 Awesome Tips for Making the Best Pizza Ever

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My life has been a crazy one lately. We are in the process of building a new home on our property and as construction projects typically go, it has been one issue after another with this one. Our family of five even had to live without power for a time (during construction our power pole got knocked down) and let me tell you, that has been hard! I am a lover of camping so I really thought it wouldn’t be an issue, but it has definitely been an issue. Part of the problem, of course, is the inability to wash anything in warm water. Without hot water, I just don’t feel like things are clean at all, so we have been eating out a lot. Many of those take out meals have been pizza, because it’s cheap and easy to throw on a paper plate and eat without much fuss. The problem is that after typically making my own homemade pizzas, take out pizza just really isn’t doing it for me and now that we are ALMOST into our new home and ready to go, I am so very ready to make a delicious, homemade pizza again. Which has me thinking about all of my favorite tips for making the best pizza ever. These are all of the little things that make homemade pizza just that much better than the stuff that comes in a box.

What are these tips, you ask? Well here you go, my friends. Here are my 7 awesome tips for making the best pizza ever:

  1. Use the right tools. This is my #1 go to tip for making sure you make the best pizza at home. The right tools for me include these awesome sassafrass baking stones:
    1. 15" round superstone® baking stone with rack - our superstone® baking stone duplicates the effects of a professional pizzeria oven. the stone absorbs moisture, creating a crispy pizza crust! the round shape is great for a traditional-style pizza. also try breads, pretzels, cookies, and anything else that uses dough on your superstone®. we're sure you'll think it's "super!". to clean, simply scrub under hot water -- do not use soap. superstone® measures 15" diameter. 16" with the rack. includes recipes.
    2. rectangular superstone® baking stone - our superstone® baking stone replicates the effects of a professional pizzeria oven. the stone absorbs moisture, creating a crispy pizza crust! the rectangular shape is great for a sicilian-style pizza. also great for cookies, pretzels and anything with a dough! to clean, simply scrub under hot water -- do not use soap. superstone® measures 13" wide x 15" long. with rack, it measures 17" long. includes recipes.
    3. superstone® bbq pizza stone - this superstone® has a natural grooved surface for even heat distribution and a fire-proof finish, perfect for making pizza on the grill in the summertime or anytime! the superstone® bbq pizza stone can also be used in any conventional or convection oven, giving this stone the most versatality. the unglazed superstone® stoneware pulls moisture from the dough, resulting in a super crispy and delicious crust. the superstone® bbq pizza stone has a glazed rim and easy-to-carry handles. recipe booklet included. measures 14.5" diameter plus handles. includes recipes.
  2. Use fresh produce. I love veggies on my pizza and I always, always, always, use fresh produce in my preparation. It genuinely makes a huge difference in the taste of the pizza. The only exception that I follow with this is my pineapple (yes, I know some people find it blasphemy). This girl loves pineapple on her pizza and I use it straight from the can.
  3. Use high quality ingredients. This kind of goes along with the fresh produce, but high quality ingredients in general make a huge difference in the overall taste of your pizza. Even if the cost is a little bit higher, you won’t regret it once you taste how good it is.
  4. Make your own dough. I may have mentioned this before, but for health reasons, I follow a gluten free diet, so I always have to make my own dough, which I love. My family actually really likes my gluten free dough, but I make them their own traditional kind as well. I have got to say that comparatively, homemade dough tastes amazing, whereas store bought tastes like cardboard to me.
  5. Light toppings. Yes, I love my pizza toppings, but truth be told, you don’t have to over do it. Pizza dough and sauce tastes amazing, don’t let your toppings becoming overbearing.
  6. Simple sauce. You may not believe it, but simple pizza sauce (tomatoes and salt is all it takes), tastes so much better than sauces with lots of additives. Stick with simple, you’ll be glad you did.
  7. Serve with wine. We always hear about pizza with beer, but my friends, you may be surprised to find out just how good it tastes served with wine.

If you are ready to start making your own awesome pizza at home, be sure and order one of our amazing pizza stones. Right now you can save 10% on the price by using promo code TOPPIZZA10. Also, if you are looking for even more tips on cooking in general, I like to visit Bonappetit to read up on some of the best culinary tips.

Did you see that our animal stools have arrived, by the way? If you have not yet checked them out, please do! They are freaking adorable and they make great accent pieces for bedrooms, living rooms, apartments and more! I am thinking they would be such a great accent piece for a family room or playroom. We like to use them for seating for the kids. They are also a really great conversation starter when guests see them for the first time.