Blog - Baking
Colorful Recipes for our Colorful Superstone® Loaf Pans
Posted by Candi Carey on Jun 17th 2021
How is everyone doing today? Wonderful, I hope! I am, however, feeling the itch to do some baking. I spent a bit of time this morning trying to decide what to bake because I really wanted to treat my family to some yummy baked goods.
After a bit of thought I decided to just go wild and make everyone’s favorite baked goods, but to color coordinate them with the fun colors we have in our loaf pan. I was feeling the need to bake and a little color coordination sounded fun to me! Making colorful recipes for our colorful loaf pans was just a fun idea that I knew everyone would love.
Colorful Recipes for our Colorful Superstone® Loaf Pans
If you like to have a little fun with your baking, you might enjoy trying these color coated recipes and pan combinations too. First though, let’s make sure you are preparing your bread in the right pan.
Are you using the right pan for your favorite breads?
I know that you know this already, but the right pan can make all the difference in your baking. With the right pan, your loaf of bread can have a lovely crust and a soft inside and the flavor held in perfectly. With the wrong pan you can have dried out, low flavor breads that are just “okay.” Which would you prefer?
If you haven’t yet used the superstone® loaf pan, you are going to love the deliciously crusty loaf taste that comes with baking your bread in the pan.
the superstone® loaf pan produces a smaller yet spectacular italian, or oblong, loaf of bread! it’s unglazed interior pulls moisture from the dough, replicating the effects of a brick-lined oven to give you a light crumb and crusty exterior loaf.
I’ve made a lot of bread throughout the years and have tried countless different loaf pans from dollar store disposables to cheap aluminum ones and now, finally, superstone® stoneware. Those other pans and bakeware literally cannot compare at all when it comes to the finished product of your breads. I will never go back.
Red Loaf Pan
The color red is often associated with love and joy and that’s just one of the reasons I love the red loaf pan so much. That is why this color combination was made for my husband. It’s his favorite! Cranberry Bread makes a wonderful recipe to go along with the red loaf pan.
Blue Loaf Pan
The color blue is usually associated with serenity and stability. It just brings a sort of calm to you, doesn’t it? I just knew that to go with this Blue Loaf pan, I would need to make my daughter’s favorite baked treat, Blueberry Bread.
Tangerine Loaf Pan
How cute is this brightly colored Tangerine Loaf Pan? The color tangerine is often associated with happiness and energy. I am all about bright colors these days, so I really love it! Because my 5 year old loves all things orange I decided to make an Orange Nut Loaf to go along with this cute color.
Aquamarine Loaf Pan
The name Aquamarine comes from the Latin aqua marinus, meaning “water of the sea,” and refers to its sparkling ocean-like color. A greta recipe for the Aquamarine Loaf Pan is the Low Carb Cloud Bread Loaf recipe by Eat This Much. To make it fun, you can add blue food coloring like in our TikTok Cloud Bread Recipe!
Green Loaf Pan
The color green is typically associated with good luck and health and who doesn’t love that?! The green pan is absolutely perfect for matching up with zucchini bread. Zucchini bread is my teenage son's favorite so this was the perfect choice! If I’m being honest, I will say that zucchini bread is my favorite too. YUM!! Since gardening season is in full force, I expect to be using this green loaf pan often.
Grey Loaf Pan
As much as we all love our sweet flavored breads, we needed to add a savory bread recipe in the mix too. I happen to love Mediteranean Olive Bread, so I figured that I can make this bread in the grey loaf pan to round out the colorful recipes for the day. The color grey is often associated with neutrality and balance and we all need a little balance sometimes, right?
Baking for Those That You Love
My love language is giving gifts and cooking for those I love. I genuinely love preparing my family’s favorite foods for them as often as I can. Even now, at the beginning of summer when it is starting to get hot outside, which means that it gets hotter in my house when I bake. I don’t even mind! I had so much fun baking all of these recipes, I can’t wait to do it again.
Serve it Up
If you need bread accessories for cutting and serving, look no further–– Sassafras® has a wood-handled spatula and a silicone-handled spatula for all your baking and bread-carving needs.
Have fun baking these colorful breads and Happy Baking!
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