Blog - baguette
How to Make The Best Baguette for the Best Sandwiches
Posted by Candi Carey on Sep 25th 2020
Would you like to learn how to make the classic, delicious French baguette? Here we will break down the process it takes to make this delicious, homemade baguette. The crunchy crust and fluffy, chewy inside of this loaf creates a delicious bread that will leave you wanting to try all of the sandwich recipes that you can think of.
For those unfamiliar with it, a baguette is a classic loaf of French bread that can be easily recognized with its crispy crust and long, thin shape. It is also often referred to as French Stick Bread (the French definition of baguette is “baton or stick, hence the name). Additionally a baguette has a chewy texture due to the fact that it is a lean dough. If you are wanting to learn how to make the best baguette, look no further.
How to Make The Best Baguette for the Best Sandwiches
Make no mistake, making a proper French Baguette is not a quick process. It takes time. It also takes a little bit of breadmaking experience. The more you practice though, the better you will become at creating the most delicious baguettes.
Before we get started on practicing, let’s check out the delicious baguette recipe that we have right here at Sassafras and yes, it is delicious!
Tips and Tricks to help you make the best baguette
Use the right tools.
I know you hear us say this all the time, but the key to the best recipes truly is to use the right tools. You simply cannot get the same results out of subpar tools. Trust me, I’ve tried and failed. Here are the tools that I HIGHLY recommend using when you are making this recipe in order to get the best results.
Baguette Baker - our baguette baker is great because with its unglazed interior it can better absorb the moisture which helps to create that chewy texture. Additionally, this baguette baker is great for that crispy crust that is baked to perfection.
Bread Couche - If you want a truly authentic Baguette, you must use a bread couche. The couche will help to keep the shape of the dough as it rises, making it easier for the dough to form its “skin.”
Bread Whisk - A bread whisk is different than a typical whisk and is definitely needed when it comes to baking bread.
Bread Lame - A bread lame is necessary for scoring your bread before the baking process, which is imperative for the bread’s expansion.
Food Scale - A kitchen scale is the best way to get accurate measurements of key bread ingredients. Food scales mostly require minimal investment and are great to have on hand!
Ingredient Prep Tips
Use purified or distilled water. While this isn’t a requirement, I have found that the bread just tastes a little bit better when using distilled or purified water. I like to avoid the “chlorine” flavor.
Use the correct temperature of water. You will see that the recipe states two different temperatures of water. It is important to follow these guidelines and not just use the same temp water for the recipe. It makes a difference in the fermentation period.
Be sure to maintain the correct measurements. This is one of those recipes where the measurements really do matter so stick to them as close as possible.
Keep your fingers damp throughout the mixing process. This is a very sticky dough, keeping your fingers damp will ensure that the dough won’t stick to your hands.
The Best Sandwich Recipes for Baguettes
Until recently it had been a while since I last made baguettes. As soon as this last batch was done, I instantly began planning meals featuring both of the following recipes. They are simply delicious!
Very French Ham and Cheese Baguette - A ham and cheese sandwich is more than just a bit of meat and cheese on bread. Ham and cheese sandwiches are known world-wide, but with slight differences. This French ham and cheese baguette sandwich is made with all of the regular ingredients of a traditional ham and cheese, plus a few extras like butter, dijon mustard and cornichons.
Southwest Stuffed Baguette - These toasty, stuffed baguettes are full of flavor and perfect for lunch, a pre-dinner appetizer, or even dinner itself when made a little bit bigger. Plus, they are stuffed with lots of veggies which makes this a great way to get your family eating more veggies in their diet.
Slow Down and Bake Some Bread
How are you doing, my friends? Times are stressful and busy, but, you know what? This is a great time to focus on the benefits of staying at home. I am embarrassed to admit that I have spent a little bit of time wallowing in pity. I had vacation plans, I had plans locally, I had [...]