
Blog - playdate tips

​Plan the Perfect Playdate with These 10 Tips

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Has your child reached the age of playdates yet? This threshold seems to be a little bit different for everyone, but for my kids I waited until they were about 2 and a half before we started scheduling actual playdates. Of course, they do have cousins though, so there was plenty of playtime with other kids their ages whenever family would get together. I always wanted to make sure they were well socialized with other kids before it came time for school and playdates were a great way to do that. They aren’t always easy though. I have found that you being prepared is the best way for your kids to have great playdates.

Check out this list to see how you can plan the perfect playdate with these 10 tips:

  1. Create a comfortable space. Whether the playdate will happen in your child’s bedroom, the playroom or in your living room, be sure to create a comfortable space where the kids can play and have fun. Did you see that our super cute animal stools have arrived? These would be so great to have on hand for seating for the little ones during a playdate.
  2. Make sure the kids are rested. Do not, I repeat, do not, plan the playdate right before or during naptime. Tired kids generally result in cranky kids and cranky kids result in playdate fails.
  3. Make sure the kids are fed. This one is along the same lines as making sure the kids are well rested, but it deserves its own line on this tip list. We are all a little cranky when we haven’t eaten. Make sure that the kiddos have eaten a well balanced meal before the time comes for the playdate. I always include snacks in my playdates as well to keep the next round of hunger at bay. Although these snacks are typically of the healthy variety and are not sugar filled treats. No sugar rushes on my watch.
  4. Invite the adults. When children are little, they often want their mom or dad around even during fun times like playdates, so be sure to extend the playdate invitation to the child’s caregiver and be prepared to have a nice visit yourself. Also, don’t overlook the benefits to you that come from the kids’ playdates. Some of my closest friendships have developed over playdates that my children attended or that we put together.
  5. Set rules. At the beginning of the playdate, be sure to set down some ground rules for the kids’ behaviors. It helps for children to have boundaries that they know in advance.
  6. Provide toys for sharing. If you don’t have multiples of a single toy, that’s ok. Just make sure to have plenty of toys on hand so that sharing will be easier for the kids. Or, better yet, find a toy that is inclusive of more than one kid! The last thing you want to deal with is kids fighting over a single toy. Here are some of our favorite Sassafrass toys that are perfect playdate toys:
    1. safari wind-up toys - Everyone loves wind up toys, right? Plus, these come in packs of 4 so more than enough to share!
    2. robot vs. alien wind-up toys - The kids can battle it out with these fun wind-up toys
    3. Farm wind-up toys - I would be remiss if I didn’t mention the farm wind up toys too!
    4. Musical instruments - Look, I’m not a big fan of loud toys, but I do allow them during playdates. That’s why I love this awesome collection of musical instruments. Not only does playing with these instruments keep them having a blast and making noise, but they also embrace their creativity and artistic side.
    5. Magnetic Design Robot - This is great for a playdate project. 
  7. Stay out of it. This is a time to help your child build their independence and social skills, remember? You don’t have to be involved in every aspect of the playdate. Just let the kiddos play! Of course keep an eye on them, but let them learn how to play together without your involvement.
  8. Change up your invite list. Don’t always invite the same child over. Be sure that your playdate invite list includes different kids and don’t be afraid to invite a child that is a little older or a little younger over for a playdate. It’s really good for kids to learn how to play with a variety of of other children.
  9. Have arts and crafts. Arts and crafts are fun! Don’t be afraid to include an arts and crafts activity into your child’s playdate to-do list.
  10. Have a time limit. With little kids, about 1 to 2 hours seems like the perfect length of time for a playdate. By this time, the kids are likely getting tired anyway.

So, there you have it, the tops tips on planning the perfect playdate! I am excited for you all to have a wonderful time. Have fun and play hard everyone!