Blog - good luck
Garden Gnomes Bring Me Luck
Posted by candi on May 21st 2019
Spring has officially sprung my friends! Okay, depending on where you are, it is practically summer. I like in the Pacific Northwest and it is HOT here right now. I wasn’t ready for this heat, but I was ready to have lots of nice weather available for working and growing my garden! I am so so excited for my gardening to hit full force. So far, I have done a little bit, but boy am I ready to start seeing my plants grow!
How about you? What does the start of the nice weather mean for you? Does it mean that you too, get to get out and get your hands dirty in the garden? Does it mean that you simply get more vitamin d from the sun shining finally? I have a list of outside activities that I love doing in the nice weather, including gardening, hiking, kayaking and spending time outside with my babies! I’m sure you are the same way with plenty of interests and hobbies, so I am going to cheer for you regardless of how you are enjoying your warm weather, even if it doesn’t include gardening.
If it does include gardening though, I am here to give you some awesome tips for this year’s garden!
- Make it a family event. Some people love to just get out in the garden and work in the solitude. You know what? That’s awesome and I say go for it! However, I am a big believer in doing things as a family and I love gardening with my family. It gets us all outside, my kids learn a lot while gardening and the family time is second to none.
- Use a raised bed or container garden. Maybe you have a tiny yard, maybe you rent and don’t have the ability to plant a garden, or maybe you just have poor soil. All of these are great reasons to create a raised bed or container garden.
- Plant what works in your area. I live in the Pacific Northwest, I am not about to plant tropical plants because I know they won’t work and that makes sense. Do a little bit of research to see what grows well in your area.
- Only plant what you will use. No one likes wasted food. Make sure you plant only the vegetables that you know you will eat. Chances are, you are going to end up with more than you can eat anyway, but at least then you can preserve it to enjoy another time.
- Decorate. Okay, okay, this is not necessary for a successful gardening season, or at least that’s what some people say. All I’m saying is, I have had a garden gnome in my garden since the beginning and I have yet to have an unsuccessful harvest… Coincidence? I don’t think so. ;) Plus, I like to make my space beautiful and sometimes a garden needs a couple of accessories to pretty it up, don’t you think? We have some great garden decor accessories here at Sassafrass. You can paint them yourself, or let the kids do it so that you can have your children’s artwork displayed proudly in your yard (it’s a win-win)
- Paint Your Own Garden Gnome - gnomes are thought to bring good luck to your garden. these gnomes are especially lucky because they will be painted by a very special child! gnome include paintbrush & 8 paints. gift boxed.
- Paint Your Own Garden Fairy - most garden fairies are invisible, but not this one! girls will love making her beautiful with the enclosed paints, then placing her in the garden for good luck. kit includes ceramic fairy, 4 non toxic paints and a brush. fairy measure 6" tall.
- Paint Your Own Fairy Garden Set - decorate these fairies then tuck them in your garden so they can folic under the flowers by night! includes: 2 fairies, fairy house, paintbrush & 6 paints.
- Paint Your Own Garden Bunny - hop, hop, hop! our garden bunny will make any garden very hoppy! bunny includes paintbrush & 8 pastel paints. bunny is 7" tall.
- Paint Your Own Garden Owl - whooo wants to paint? this owl is not only a hoot for the garden, but is so much fun to paint. owl include paintbrush & 8 paints. gift boxed.
- You can also do an online search for Paint Your Own Stepping Stone kits like this one I spotted on Amazon. We have several of these types in our garden and they are super cute
Okay, in case you are wondering about my earlier Gnome comment, our ancestors thought that garden gnomes brought good luck. They were regarded as good luck charms and would often be kept in gardens or in the rafters of a bard to watch over crops and livestock. What do you think? Do you think garden gnomes bring good luck?