Blog - breaddome
Just How Much Do I love the Bread Dome?
Posted by candi on Mar 26th 2020
As a busy mom, freelance writer and all around exhausted almost 40 something year old, I will fully admit that my list of things that I love has really become almost depressing. No longer is it fancy items and a expensive drinks or meals, or even extravagant adventures. Do you know what I love? Kitchen items and things that make life at home a little bit easier. Do you know what I especially love? I love versatile tools, dishes and appliances in my kitchen. Let’s be real here, I am a stay at home mom that spends a lot of time in my kitchen. For 8 years, my family (of 4, then 5), lived in a 800 sq ft house with a teeny tiny kitchen. I began to despise any kitchen tool that did only one thing and just took up space the rest of the time. Seriously made me angry! I simply did not have the space to spare. We have since bought a new home that is over twice the size and my kitchen is huge, yet I feel the same way about my kitchen tools. There is no reason to have multiple pots, pans, tools and appliances that do just one thing each. It’s a major annoyance in my life. I mean, sure it’s first world problems, but shouldn’t we all be trying to minimize life a little bit? Even though we moved into much more space our goal is much less stuff.
You are probably wondering where on Earth I am going with all of this, but I promise you I do have a point! We here at Sassafras know the benefit of having tools that do more than one job in the kitchen and we try to help others with their minimalist goals as well! That’s why I highly suggest having one of our Glazed Bread Domes on hand in your kitchen. These are an amazing piece of cookware because of all of the things that you can prepare in them! Check it out here:
superstone® bread dome - the "incredible" superstone® bread dome is an amazing product for baking breads and chicken, vegetable or meat dishes. the stoneware material replicates a professional brick-lined oven to create a dry, even heat and spectacular bread. the domed shape allows air to evenly-circulate around the baker for a uniformly browned crust on your bread while the unglazed lid helps create the perfect environment for baking crackly breads and juicy chickens and roasts.
you may be familiar with making “no-knead bread” as popularized by jim lahey of sullivan street bakery. if you’re not familiar, you’ll find a recipe for “no-knead bread” below. if you are familiar, you’ll know that the shape of our superstone® bread dome is perfect to accommodate dough through it’s slow rise. best of all, you can use it for all of your baking needs!
the glazed bottom won't absorb juices from foods so the bread dome maybe used for both breads, as well as, other dishes. the added hole in the lid allows the superstone® bread dome to release steam to prevent soggy breads. you'll love this product! bottom is dishwasher-safe. scrub lid with hot water and air dry. includes recipes.
I love this bread dome because not only do I bake some amazing bread in it, but it is the perfect tool for making chicken and/or roast too! As it says in the description, the glaze holds in the moisture and will not absorb the juices which means that it doesn’t affect the bread baking ability. Seriously, it is awesome for so many things! You are going to love adding this to your minimalist kitchen! Even if you aren’t looking to go minimalist, I won’t hold that against you, it is a great tool regardless!
So now that you are going to have the awesome bread dome in your cabinets, what are you going to make in it?
I have a couple of ideas for you:
glazed corned beef with carrots and prunes
I also love this amazing Pork Carnitas recipe from my favorite Keto blogger at AllDayIDreamAboutFood. These will turn out well in the Bread Dome.
If you want to have a second piece of stoneware for those side dishes, I highly recommend this Garlic Baker. Not only is is perfect for getting your garlic just right, but it also makes some great roasted potatoes too which everyone knows goes well with roast!
Garlic Baker: our unglazed garlic baker is the perfect size for roasting about 4-5 heads of garlic. the stoneware material produces a tender, juicy garlic clove to use in salad dressings, recipes, or just with olive oil and parmesan cheese in which to soak up your fabulous home-baked bread! you can also use the baker to roast potatoes or chestnuts.
So what are you going to make in your bread dome?