
Blog - Creative Play

Usher in the Spring Season Through Creative Play

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Now that the spring season is in full swing for many, it's a great time to take your children out doors and explore nature. It's also a great time to encourage creative play, especially on those spring rainy days.

Learning through play helps a child learn about the world around them. Whether it's through magnetic play or through knitting and sewing.

What are some fun ideas to get your child curious about creative play? How about a sewing kit where children can learn to sew and create what they want?  Maybe you have a child curious about the wonderful world of knitting. Not only is knitting great for fine motor skills, it also encourages creativity. Our knitting and sewing kits come with great instruction cards to help get the process going.

Weaving still seems to be a popular activity. Remember using a weaving loom? A child can learn to create fabric by weaving yarn through a loom. They can choose to make a trivet or even a coaster or decorative wall hanging tapestry.

Creative play doesn't have to stop at sewing, knitting, or weaving. How about magnetic robotic play? Your child can create endless types of robots. This definitely gets those creative juices flowing and great for hours of play.

Don't forget about magnetic dress up play! For your aspiring fashion designer, your child can design endless fashion outfits. This has the potential to keep your child engaged for hours as well.

Creative play is such a wonderful world as you can easily get lost in it. It's a place where kids can just be kids. What was your favorite creative learning activity as a child?