
Blog - Kitchen

Did you know that the kitchen has a family tree?

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When it comes to the culinary world, there is a science to working in the kitchen. You may interested in learning that the kitchen has a family tree. It basically explains the order of things from Executive Chef to Commis Chef. If you have a child who loves working in the kitchen, this information will be of interest to them as well. Check out this really cool infographic!

Back to School Snack Favorites

It's hard to believe that summer is just about over and the kiddies are heading back to school! From back to school clothes to school supplies, it can get overwhelming. Make back to school more enjoyable by making some pretty cool and fun back to school snack favorites. You can make them together or buy and [...]

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St. Patrick's Day Treats for the Entire Family

St. Patrick's Day is this Thursday, have any plans to celebrate?  Whether you are Irish or not, it's still fun to celebrate and it's a chance to wear and eat all things green.  Speaking of "eating" homemade St. Patrick's Day treats are an awesome way to involve the kids in the kitchen.  Here are a [...]

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5 Ways to Encourage Kids to Participate in the Kitchen

Believe it or not, kids and the kitchen go hand in hand especially if you have picky eaters in the house.  Encouraging kids to participate in the kitchen is not only a learning experience, but a helpful way to help kids see the importance of healthy food choices and that they don't have to be [...]

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