
Blog - Early Childhood

The Value of Music for Children

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Music. It's wonderful isn't it? It does so much for the mind, body, and soul. It's especially beneficial during early childhood years. It's vital for their overall growth and learning. Music also relates to cognitive skills. Did you know that if a child participates in at least one year of music education (i.e., band, choir, etc., ) that it actually increases their intelligence? (Wasik & Hall, 2010) Yes it does! As a musician with a degree in Child Development, I can vouch that this is true as music does wonders! Great examples of increasing intelligence would be helping with attention spans, memorization, listening skills, etc. Why would music education ever get underestimated? The proof is in the pudding!

Music is also utilized and helpful in:

  • Creative thought
  • Design
  • Creating cultures
  • Social activities
  • Expression
  • Math
  • Physical activities
  • Special needs settings
  • Reading and writing

Gained by personal experience, music also aids in emotional pain and trauma as well as acts as therapy in physical health. It is a remedy that is easily overlooked as how can music actually be therapy? Music is the universal language!


Wasik. S. (2010, July 20). The Value of Music in Early Education. Education. Retrieved from