
Blog - 2017

Baking In the New Year 2017

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Happy New Year! It's hard to believe we are now in the year 2017. Where does the time go?  With that said, you and your family have probably already made your New Year's resolutions. These are always great goals to work towards whether it's health, fitness, etc. What about baking more together as a family? Yes, baking!

Don't look at it as a time to bake goodies in the kitchen, while this is all fun and exciting, look at it as a time to learn and grow together as a family as well. 

When baking Friendship Bread, talk about friends and why we have them. Maybe consider looking up a recipe and make a bunch of loaves to deliver to close friends and even family.

When baking a pizza, gather ingredients and have your kiddies sort them. This is a great math lesson, but then afterwards see who makes the craziest or funnest pizza. Have a mini contest. Family fun!

When baking cookies, consider asking each family member what their favorite type of cookie is and allow them to bake their own batches. Them swap the cookies with family.

All of these ideas make great memories together. Don't let this New Year slip by without making more family memories in the kitchen!

Do you have any baking recipe tips or recipes to share with us this new year? Feel free to share them with us.