
National Walking the Dog Day

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Did you know that today is National Walking the Dog Day?  There are days where you can pretty much celebrate anything this day and age.  This is a fun one for the kiddies.  If you have a dog, take your pooch out for a walk! Hopefully you are taking your dog for a walk every day as they need exercise too, but today is the day that you can really make it fun for the whole family.

Don't have a dog?  Maybe you have a friend or relative that has a dog.  Offer to take them out for National Walking the Dog Day!  

Who created this day?

No one really knows who created this day or what the origin is behind it.  Maybe it was someone who desired to take their dog for a walk and never got the opportunity due to disabilities, etc.  All I do know of this fun and unique day is that it's always on February 22nd!

Did you know that "Walk the Dog" is also a yo-yo trick?  Try doing two things at once.  Take your dog for a walk while playing with a yo-yo even if you don't know how to do the fancy tricks.

How did I find out about this wacky day?  From a fun sight called: Holiday Insights.  It's full of holidays, specials, and wacky days you can celebrate all month long.

In fact, tomorrow is International World Thinking Day!  How will you celebrate?

For more fun holidays and wacky days to celebrate with your whole family, click here.