
5 Ways to Encourage Kids to Participate in the Kitchen

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Believe it or not, kids and the kitchen go hand in hand especially if you have picky eaters in the house.  Encouraging kids to participate in the kitchen is not only a learning experience, but a helpful way to help kids see the importance of healthy food choices and that they don't have to be boring.

How can a parent effectively encourage their child to participate in the kitchen? Keep in mind it may or may not work for your child, but it's worth a try.  The key is being persistent, but in moderation as to not turn them off completely.

My oldest child has always been a super picky eater since she was a baby.  As she got older it just seemed to get worse and worse.  I had to get creative to encourage her to eat more so I had her help out more in the kitchen.  Since then, she is open to trying new recipes.

Here are 5 ideas to get your child participating in the kitchen:

1. Mix It Up

Make working in the kitchen organized yet flexible and fun.  While measuring etc., is a learning experience, sometimes that turns kids off to working in the kitchen.  Have everything pre-measured before hand and everything ready to go.  Kids can then just combine everything together.  Thanks to eChildStore for this tip and for tip #2.

2. Make Music

Cooking doesn't have to be boring, blast the music or make your own music.  Cooking is more enjoyable when there is the sound of music in the background.

3. Recipe Challenge

Your kiddies may get a kick out of this one.  Give them an ingredient card with a list of simple ingredients to make a snack.  This encourages them to be creative and encourages instant participation in the kitchen.

4. Create a Family Cookbook

Have your kids sit down and make a list of recipes they would like to try and plan to make it together.  Take pictures of the results and make your own picture book cookbook labeling what each recipe is.

5.Creative Kids in the Kitchen

Give your child a few fun ingredients and see if they can make an animal or a funny face out of them for example, banana dolphins.  Slightly peel a banana open to resemble a dolphin's mouth and insert a grape to look like it's holding a ball.  Stick in a bowl of yogurt, granola, etc. It looks like it's swimming and playing in the ocean.  Kids will love this activity!  Check out Smart School House to see a picture of this activity as well as other fun creative ideas.