
Healthy Road Trips Options

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Are you getting ready to pack up the family for one final road trip for the summer?  It's hard to believe that summer is winding down, but there is still time to pack in last-minute fun.  What about including snacks, etc.?  

Believe it or not, there are healthy road trip options you can choose from that are actually a hit for the entire family. Scratch those processed cheese and crackers, candy bars, chips, etc.  Here are some ideas your whole family will feel better about eating while enjoying the road trip.

Fruit Slices-You can either slice up your own favorite fruits, purchased dry fruits from health food stores, or pack them whole.  Keep in mind everyone's favorite types of fruits so that your car is equipped with what everyone likes.

Veggies-Vegetables don't have to be a drag.  Some ideas include cherry tomatoes, sliced green peppers, baby carrots, cucumber slices, apricots, kiwi, and more.  

Crunch snacks-Crunchy snacks are more of a comfort food, but healthy choices could be pretzels, crackers, granola, popcorn, etc.

Protein snacks-Some ideas include hard boiled eggs, sunflower seeds, string cheese, etc.

Drinks-Be sure to stay hydrated with water! It's the best to pack.

What are some of your favorite family road trip snacks?  It's also fun to get creative with the kiddies too.  Have them come up with some ideas as well.  They will be more likely to eat what they pack!